Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Jackson's words

ok, Jackson has moved from 1 word sentences to 2 & 3 word sentences in (literally) a week's time. Thanksgiving day he said "wash hands" - I was so excited as this was his first use of putting two words together all on his own. Since then, there have been MANY new sentences...

Another funny thing about Jackson is he calls himself "Jackson"... as in anytime he wants to do something himself, which is ALL THE TIME, he says "Jackson" rather than "me" or "I".. it's too dang hilarious.

Yesterday on our drive back from Auburn, Jerrod got this on video... it's Jackson pointing out where his Boo-Boo is... needless to say, his "Boo-Boo" moves rather frequently & he uses the term "right there" to describe where the new "Boo-Boo" location is.

Thanksgiving 2008

The order of these pictures got all screwed up when uploading & I am not doing it again... as it takes FOREVER to upload anything here. Ok, enough of my annoyances. Here are some really great pictures from Thanksgiving 2008. It was fabulous, the food, the day, the company, the walk, the everything.

Jerrod & his Dad, Gerald.

finally, were there! The Forest Grove Cemetery.

Jackson & Travis Bell, Jerrod's cousin.

Papa Fletcher, Aunt Nancy, Jackson & GiGi - all gathered around Granny & Grandpa Bell's headstone.

At the farm, the sugar cane grinder in the background. That has been in the family since Jeannette's grand daddy settled here.

On our way to the FGC.
Jackson thoroughly enjoyed his ride to the FGC.

A quick pit stop to "wash hands".

And, were off again.