Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Family, so important and so loved!
Here are some pictures of our family. I only have a few, so as I collect more family pictures I will continue to add to the blog.

The first picture is of my sister Lynne w. Bronson - her doberman! She also has a cat, Romeo, but he's rather elusive & no pictures of him have surfaced as of this posting.

The next picture is of the Fletcher Men. This picture was taken on Christmas night 2006. From right to left on the front row, it's Kenyon, his son Ryan Ashton, and Papa Fletcher, on the back row, it's Daddy. It's a 50-50 chance that you could be part of the Fletcher Men clan... we'll soon find out!

This last picture is of Bubb's aka Clarissa Jane. She's, in our humble estimation, the best cat ever. This is one of her favorite things to do... to lay on Daddy's boat... she's probably taking in the that much loved aroma of fish and I am sure she's thinking about having salmon for dinner, we'll have to check the menu on that one.

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