Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jackson, weighing in at 12.7 lbs, in his new Baby Sling...3.27.07

Hi All,

Just a quick picture & update on Jackson. We made our 3rd week postpartum visit to the Birth Center yesterday, March 27th. Jennifer, one of the midwives, weighed Jackson and he's now 12.7 lbs. Can you believe it? I still can't believe how jynormous he is sometimes... I joke that he's my 3 week - 3 month old... have any of you seen The Best of Will Ferrell...the one where he's the 30-year old newborn? (here's the youtube link in case you haven't seen it). Our friends Tara & Neal commented on Jackson being that 30-year old newborn. Jerrod was joking at church on Sunday how we had just shaved Jackson's beard on Saturday! Oh, Jackson how amazing you are!

Here is Jackson, with Mommy, in his new baby sling.

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