Finally, an update! Jackson is 9 months old, well he's actually 9.5 months old, but who's counting?
At his 9 month check, on 12.3.07, up he was 23 lbs, 30" long or 2 1/2 feet tall! Way to go for our big boy. He's 95% for both height & weight for his age.
He has 8 teeth - the last 3 have already broken through the gums & are now in the descending process. This is how it makes him feel!
He's making all new sounds all the time, for the past 3 days is been a "W" sound, as in we-be or we-bay or as I like to say "we-bay-jammin Mom"!
He's been cruising for over a month now. He's already stood, own his own w. out any supports, for several seconds at a time. He's walking w. assistance, either holding onto one of our hands, or legs, or his walker/rider/scooter thingy.
He's just figured out how to clap his hands all on his own. So today he's been totally enjoying me singing "if you're happy & you know it", and boy is he happy. I have a video of it & I will try to post it.
Other Jackson news, His Daddy graduated from Acupuncture school yesterday!!!!! Yeah for Daddy. We are SO VERY PROUD of him. He finished all 3.5 years with a perfect 4.0, and he was/is essentially class valedictorian, as they do not actually grant that honor at his school.
He's signing too. He knows how to wave Hi & Bye, say "more" with his hands, tell me he wants something, like my drink, by extending his arm & then opening & closing his hand.
The down side to more Jackson freedom, as in crawling, cruising, etc... he's into EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! the toilet, the garbage cans, you name it. One of his favorite things to do is to go in our room or his room, go to an open drawer & start pulling out the contents 1 by 1... my job is clean-up crew!
Food - Jackson is all about feeding himself. He is so over being spoon fed. Looks like I'll be returning those last 10 baby food jars to Publix. Oh well, at least they will give me a full refund without any hassles.
Jackson LOVES to eat (of course) whatever we are eating, which makes it rather challenging if it's something that his system can't handle, like cheese, or other dairy products, which if any of you know me at all you know my love of cheese/dairy!!! We have also discovered that he has horrible gas from Cayenne pepper... boo-hoo. We love cayenne, as I use it in lieu of black pepper, which is actually harder on the digestion than cayenne.
Jackson LOVED spending time with both of his grandmothers. My mom, Nana, & Jerrod's mom, Gramm's came up every week, at least once a week, to stay w. Jackson while I went to UF to teach Youth Development to Juniors & Seniors in my Department. It was great to see how much they love Jackson & how much he loves his grandmothers. I love that this special bond has already taken shape. We have been blessed by both of our parents in numerous ways this year.
Things Jackson enjoys:
Reading (YEAH), Jackson really & truly loves to read, just ask either of his grandmothers. His personal favorites include: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Panda Bear, Panda Bear, Polar Bear, Polar Bear & The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Nursing, yes, still a very big fan of nursing, he nurses 3-4 times a night still.
Sitting in his backpack, he loves to be in his backpack when I am cooking, or washing dishes, or going to Lowes to work on finishing up our Kitchen remodel. He LOVES to watch & take everything in. He is super curious & wants to know all that's going on.
Bathtime, he loves taking a bath. He could be in there for hours.
Brushing his teeth, another personal fav of Jackson.
Washing his hands, this a recent discovery... running water in the sink = play time! it's not just for getting those pesky germs off your hands!
Exploring boxes and cabinets, loves to open, close, get in, crawl on & over any type of box we have in the house.
Folding laundry, he loves helping me or my Mom fold laundry, especially neatly folded laundry, now why is that???
Paper, he loves to eat paper. Whether it's toilet paper (not used) or scrap paper, or magazines, or whatever he can get his hands on he wants to chew on it...much to my chagrin!
Loves to say Momma & Dadda & does it to the right person too, not just to any old fool!
He's figures out how to use "stuff" to climb higher & higher (scary). He's used a can of olive oil to stand on to reach up to a higher shelf in the back kitchen. He's used several of his toys to stand on to get on top of the coffee table or get up on the couch.
Jackson loves the vacuum cleaner. We have an electrolux cannister vacuum cleaner & he loves to chase it around, help me vacuum & then try to eat the cord.
Jackson has figured out, for the most part, his body. He know's where his penis is (this is very important for mankind, right???) and he knows how to duck his head when crawling through something or under something.
I (highly) suggest turning the volume way down, as my voice & singing are just HORRIBLE! Apparently, I have 1 fan!
1 comment:
Kill me with cute! I love the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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